GedHTree HomepageIndex GedHTree HomepageIndex
1871 Franco - Prussian War
1895 Marconi invents wireless telegraphy
1899 Boer War begins
1903 Wright brothers 1st plane flight
1912 Titanic sinks on maiden voyage
1815 Battle of Waterloo, Napoleon defeat
1830 French Revolution
1837 Queen Victoria assumes throne
1854 Crimean War with Russia
1869 Opening of Suez Canal
1789 Geo. Washington 1st USA president
1789 French Revolution begins
1798 Irish revolt against English rule
1804 Napoleon becomes French Emperor
1805 Battle of Trafalgar, Nelson killed
 Sydney Cumner
 b.1788 Ogbourne St. Georg, Wiltshire
 d.1845 Devizes, Wiltshire - Belle Vue Asylum
 Sidney Cumner
 b.1827 Newbury, Berkshire
 d.1907 Sandhurst, Berkshire
 Hannah Wright
 d.1836 Newbury, Berkshire
 Thomas William Cumner
 b.1861 Dublin, Ireland
 d.1893 Mile End, London
 James Crane
 Miriam Crane Matthews
 b.1844 Aldershot, Hampshire
 d.1928 Sandhurst, Berkshire
 Martha Matthews
 Matthew George Cumner
 b.1887 Marylebone, London
 d.1958 Farnborough Hospital, Kent
 Henry Hazzard
 b.1826 Newbury, Berkshire
 Amy Catherine Rachel Hazzard
 b.1866 Sandhurst, Berkshire
 d.1910 Shorditch, Middlesex
 James Justice
 Sarah Justice
 b.1826 Sandhurst, Berkshire